Brand Strategy For StartUps

A couple of years ago, we met a client who was convinced that a business could be built on a website and a business card.
An important question that every business founder needs to ask is: what’s that ONE thing I’d want to be known for? Your answer should drive you to build something to be proud of!

Brand building and business growth have a long-standing relationship. Giving your brand emotional exposure can help build customer loyalty. And to do that, you need to build brand assets that touch an emotional chord.

We must remember that every brand is trying to tug at our customer’s heart strings…with brand assets that are intelligently designed to draw attention, build a connect and even elicit long-term loyalty.

A personal brand and website that authentically reflects the essence and ethos of your brand, is likely to excite your customer. To keep their interest and to draw them in marketers use various textual and audio-visual brand assets. Numerous social platforms make it easier to communicate to an audience and keep them interested through the customer life cycle. With the ultimate aim of driving purchase, brand assets are the essential lubricant to push potential clients through the sales funnel.

Start building your brand assets. Our MUST-HAVE checklist includes:
1. A 30-45second brand video
2. social media pages that my target audience spends time on
3. Founder interviews, podcasts and other personal branding assets
4. Catalogs, brochures, flyers, and posters in the digital and physical space that a potential customer is likely to view your brand
5. A Google Business Profile

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